About WaveAid
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About WaveAid

WaveAid was formed in December 2004, by three next-door neighbors in Alexandria, VA, to make a meaningful contribution to the relief efforts for those affected by the tsunami that had just occurred in Africa and Asia. In January and February 2005, WaveAid raised more than $20,000. WaveAid was reborn in 2010, following the devastating earthquake in Haiti on January 12.

AmeriCares LogoWaveAid is a grassroots volunteer organization. All funds raised are forwarded directly to AmeriCares, a 501(c)(3), nonprofit disaster relief and humanitarian aid organization. AmeriCares provides immediate response to emergency medical needs and supports long-term humanitarian assistance programs. Assistance is provided to all people around the world, without regard to race, creed or political persuasion.

AmeriCares solicits donations of medicines, medical supplies and other relief materials from U.S. and international manufacturers, and delivers them quickly and efficiently to indigenous health care and welfare professionals around the world. Since 1982, AmeriCares has provided more than $4.0 billion of aid in more than 137 countries. Since January 12 alone, AmeriCares has delivered more than $11 million of supplies to Haiti. Each $100 in cash contributions enables AmeriCares to deliver more than $3,500 in emergency relief, including medicines, medical supplies, clothing, footwear, blankets and nutritional supplements. According to analysis by the Better Business Bureau, less than 2% of contributions to AmeriCares goes to administrative and fundraising costs.

WaveAid is registered with the City of Alexandria as a charitable solicitor. AmeriCares federal ID number (EIN) is 061008595

Del. Adam Ebbin (l) presents WaveAid's co-founders with a
commending resolution from the Virginia General Assembly in 2005.